No, not the kind with whiskers and a tail. The kind you use with your computer.
I love the iMac my partner helped me purchase last Christmas. The 27" screen is wonderful for graphic work.
But the wireless mouse eats more batteries then my cat Finn eats cat food. What to do? I ordered a USB wired mouse, but I miss the ability to scroll up and down with ease. It isn't an Apple mouse so it isn't as efficient as my wireless one. So I located the battery charger I bought to use with my Dimage camera and started charging. It took about 6 hours to get them fully charge.
So far, so good. I will see how long these batteries last before I have to recharge them. At least I won't have to buy more.
Cathy 8/ 27 / 10
I hear you about the Apple wireless mouse. That sucker does eat batteries! I just bought a rechargeable Logitech and can't wait to get it installed.
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Not familiar wit a Logitech? What is it?